
4th FEAD Network Meeting Brussels, Belgium, 22 February 2017 The European Commission hosted a meeting in which 90 delegates from EU-wide networks of stakeholders involved in the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) came together to discuss issues related to good practices in the selection of food products.
Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus, on behalf of the European Federation of Food Banks, participated as a speaker in the discussion on selection of food products.

11th Annual H-E-B/GFN Food Bank Leadership Institute Houston, U.S.A., 13 16 March 2017 Food bank leaders from 32 countries, including Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus, convened in Houston for taking part in the most preeminent international forum dedicated to alleviating world hunger and reducing food waste through food banking.

EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste, Sub-group on food donation Brussels, Belgium, 20 March 2017 The European Commission hosted the first meeting of the sub-group on food donation of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste. The discussion focused on the latest version of the draft document to prepare EU Guidelines on food donation.
Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus attended the meeting as part of the Italian delegation.

5th FEAD Network Meeting Berlin, Germany, 6 7 April 2017 The European Commission hosted a meeting, in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Germany, which brought together the EU-wide network of actors (96 delegates from 24 EU Member States) involved in FEAD to discuss issues related to the identification of and outreach to end recipients. For the first time, the meeting also included on- site project visits which were attended by over 85 delegates.

FEBA Annual Convention Rotterdam, Netherlands, 20 22 April 2017 More than 90 delegates from 30 countries attended the two-day annual convention. "The sustainability of food banks" was the central theme chosen for the convention with a specific focus on fundraising strategies and best practices.

Nordic Conference on Food Waste Prevention Oslo, Norway, 27 April 2017 Acting State Secretary opened The Nordic Food Waste Prevention Conference which welcomed almost 130 participants. The conference marked the end of a three-year project on food waste involving four Nordic countries: Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Food waste and poverty: transforming a paradox into social wealth Milan, Italy, 8 May 2017 Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus, Fondazione Cariplo, Studio Legale Saglietti Bianco, Università degli Studi di Milano, and IULM Centro Ricerca di Neuromarketing organised a conference on Law No 166/2016 and different workshops to further discuss several aspects (Is food donation convenient?; Donating helps to communicate; Innovation and packaging for extending the shelf life; New food trends).

SAVE FOOD Congress 2017
 Düsseldorf, Germany, 4 – 10 May 2017 
At the international SAVE FOOD Congress on 4 May 2017 speakers from business, science and political spheres and civil society got together to shed some light on the various facets of the food waste problem.

REFRESH Food Waste 2017 Berlin, Germany, 18 – 19 May 2017 Multi-stakeholder conference connecting champions of food waste reduction and valorisation. Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus participated as a speaker in the Panel discussion and interactive session on EU food waste policy.

European Excellence Awards in Public Affairs Brussels, Belgium, 31 May FoodDrinkEurope, was shortlisted as finalist in the European Excellence Awards in Public Affairs in the Food & Beverage category, for its work on “Every Meal Matters”, the food donation guidelines drafted in collaboration with the European Federation of Food Banks and EuroCommerce.

EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste Brussels, Belgium, 14 June 2017
The European Commission hosted the second meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste. The discussion focused on the ongoing work to draft EU guidelines on food donation that will be published by the end of 2017 and to establish a common methodology for measuring food waste across the European Union. Then in the afternoon the attention was focused on “food waste prevention” measures implemented at national level, including the new regulatory frameworks in place in France and Italy.
Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus attended the meeting as part of the Italian delegation.

Board of Directors of the European Federation of Food Banks Brussels, Belgium, 15 June 2017
During the meeting Angela Frigo, EU Liaison Officer at Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus, was unanimously appointed as new member of FEBA Board of Directors.

6th FEAD Network Meeting Brussels, Belgium, 19 June 2017
The European Commission hosted a meeting, which brought together the EU-wide network of actors involved in FEAD to discuss issues related to the adoption of a ‘whole person approach’ in FEAD support activities.

Euractiv workshop on ‘Fighting poverty across Europe. What’s next for FEAD?’ Brussels, Belgium, 20 June 2017
The workshop organized by Euractiv was about poverty in the EU and the present and future role played by the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived.
Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus participated in the discussion arguing that the FEAD in Italy represents a concrete tool for strengthening the territorial welfare network and recognizing food aid as the "gateway" for getting into relationship with the most deprived and accompanying them in a path towards social inclusion.

Tags: Dal Mondo