1. It creates a regulatory framework to comprehend the existing rules concerning fiscal incentives (L. 460/97, L. 133/99), civil liability (L. 155/03) and hygiene and food safety procedures (L. 147/13).
2. It provides a set of definitions (e.g. food business operator, surplus food, food waste, donation, best before and use by dates, etc.).
3. It fosters the donation of confiscated food products.
4. It encourages companies to donate food rather than to destroy it by simplifying the administrative procedures to be given to public authorities.
5. It establishes a hierarchy for the use of products prioritizing the recovery for human consumption. Whether it is not possible to redirect food to feed people, it should be use for animal feeding or energy.
6. It recognizes the role of the “round table” managed by the Minister for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies as a tool for consulting all the stakeholders of the food supply chain. It adds EUR 2 millions to the National Fund for the distribution of food products to the most deprived in order to purchase food.
7. It ensures an adequate number of hours of television and radio programs devoted to information and awareness about food donation and the fight against food waste.
8. It simplifies the donation of agricultural and farming surplus that fit for human and animal consumption.
9. It enables municipalities to reduce waste taxes for companies donating surplus food.