Main Activities
Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS coordinates and guides the Banco Alimentare Network, giving value to the efforts and results of each Regional Banco Alimentare organisation.
It promotes the recovery and redistribution of food surpluses to charities, organises and manages the National Food Collection Day and other food drives, manages communication tools at a national level.
The founders
Following the example of the Barcelona's Banco dos Alimentos, a group of friends decided to replicate the idea of a food bank to help people in need in Italy.
On the 30th of March 1989 the launch of Fondazione Banco Alimentare becomes official following the encounter of two great personalities: Knight Danilo Fossati, President of Star, and Monsignor Luigi Giussani, Father of Comunione e Liberazione.
Mons. Luigi Giussani
Cav. Danilo Fossati
Alla guida della Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus
Giovanni Bruno
Pierangelo Angelini
Vice Presidente
Giuseppe Parma
Direttore Generale
Marco Lucchini
Segretario Generale