Angela… on Board!
Dear friends,
since the European Federation of Food Banks was founded, Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus has actively participated in the construction of the European network of Food Banks, deeply sharing and embracing the values of its Charter. In addition, we have always been convinced that only through the development of our European Federation it could be possible to contribute with an organic and increasingly effective response to tackling food waste and food poverty in Europe.
With the agreement of the General Assembly, Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus has always participated in the FEBA Bureau and Board of Directors. Over the years the continuity of this participation has been ensured thanks to the commitment of people as Marco Lucchini and Mario Amati, who has strongly contributed to the history of FEBA with his humanity and expertise and has left a long-lasting trace.
In 2011 Giorgio Migliari and I received Marco and Mario's legacy in order to ensure an on-going contribution to the activity of the European Federation of Food Banks, at a particularly complicated time characterized by the challenging transition from the EU’s Food Distribution programme for the Most Deprived Persons (MDP) to the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD). Then, in the 2015 elections, the tradition continued with myself and Prof. Giancarlo Rovati. Last April, due to internal organizational needs, we decided to end my mandate and to propose the candidacy of Angela Frigo, our EU Liaison Officer, to the FEBA Board of Directors. We were convinced that the strategic transition phase decided by the Board of Directors, the valuable management of our new FEBA President, Jacques Vandenschrik, and the activity carried out by FEBA staff could find the best possibile contribution in Angela's experience.
At the meeting of the Board of Directors held on 15 June, Angela was unanimously appointed as new member of FEBA Board of Directors.
We would like to thank Jacques and the Board of Directors for acknowledging the validity of our candidacy and congratulate Angela for this prestigious appointment that she will certainly honor with her professionalism.
Yours sincerely,
Antonio Oliva
Vice-President Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus